“Keep your head down low so you’d stay out of trouble.” This is something my parents often say to me for as long as I can remember, but it landed differently over FaceTime the other day. They added, “Remember to hide your face if you have to head out. Don’t just wear a mask. Wear a hoodie, a pair of shades.”
I simply nodded to spare them any more worry, when in truth I wondered why hide in fear when all I would do is smile through my eyes when I look up.
How did we go from wishing to be acknowledged to wishing no one sees us?
My parents already worry about me being so far away from home, about how I’m keeping healthy and staying financially afloat amidst the pandemic, whether my immigration status will be affected by Brexit in any way.
Right from the start, my parents wished for daughters and they were blessed with four sons in the end. From time to time, they share in retrospect how they would have worried even more for us if we were girls. Why should this be the case?
My sincere thoughts to the families and friends of the 8 Atlanta shooting victims, 6 of whom were Asian women. I extend my loving kindness and support to them and to all victims of racist violence, particularly in the past year.
No parents should need to worry about their child getting assaulted or getting shot out in the open. No children should worry the same for their parents. No one should be worrying what comes with the freedom of being out and about, is the real possibility of ending up adding to the alarming tally of racist violence.
So let us fight fear with courage. Let us stand in solidarity by taking collective action to end racism. We can ALL play a part.
Not sure how you can actually help?
Check out the few actionable resources I’ve personally found to be useful and concise here. I will continue to share more resources both here and on @kindredpacket. So please get involved and keep this conversation going.
To all my Asian friends and family, I love you.
Remember #itsanhonorjusttobeasian.
Always a message away whenever you need.